Семинар МУА у Фиренци, Италија 12. и 13. мај 2023. године.
Crypto, NFTs & Metaverse:
What We Need to Know From a Legal Perspective
Seminar presented by the UIA in collaboration with AIGI – Associazione Italiana Giuristi d’Impresa
Florence, Italy
May 12 & 13, 2023
“But then, Alice said, if the world makes absolutely no sense, who is stopping us from inventing one?”
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Metaverse reality and relevant use of NFTs and cryptocurrencies – together with underlying policies and regulations, risks and opportunities – represent an extremely actual and controversial subject in all jurisdictions and economies worldwide. A subject largely discussed in Parliaments and in courts and which is becoming more and more of interest for various industries, for preserving and safeguarding existing assets and looking for future business opportunities in another promising market dimension. It is in fact expected to deeply influence the real world and this influence impact particularly the luxury sector, by allowing multiple industries to enhance their brands and expand their business.
The potential of blockchain is increasingly clear in the agri-food sector and NFTs are going mainstream in the food industry, by evolving into a specific ecosystem. Traceability of food products and electronic recording of self-control procedures into an incorruptible immaterial are the prerequisite for ensuring the reliability of food supply chains and standardize their value, made not only of F&B well-known brands and businesses, but also of food-tech start-ups and venture capital-funded food production and delivery operators.
The purpose of this seminar is to analyse basic structure of Metaverse and NFT’s and their practical enforcement in the international context and in relevant industries, by dealing with relevant legal tactics and strategies, with a particular focus on luxury brands and recourse to NFTs in agri-food industry.
Legal experts, in-house counsels, academics and practitioners will share their experiences and first-hand knowledge on a subject explored from many different legal perspectives, by adopting a multidisciplinary approach.
Mark your diaries now, save the date and make sure to register!
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Florence!