
Scheduled meeting of the Committee for Law Trainees AKV 19.04.2018. year

According to Article 14. Rules of Procedure of the Board of Law Trainees, Chairman of the Executive Board of Law Trainees shall schedule a session of the Committee for Law Trainees AKV 19.04.2018. year, starting at 15:00 hours, the premises AKV.

At the scheduled meeting is scheduled for the conduct of elections in three (3) new members of the Executive Board of Law Trainees.

We ask all legal trainees, from the territory of AKV, who are interested to stand for the position of member of the Executive Board, to do so by sending your CV and the number of legal practice-trainee legitimacy to the e-mail address:

Aside from, in According to Article 21. Rules of Procedure of the Board of Law Trainees, Chairman of the Executive Board of Law Trainees shall schedule a session of the Executive Board of law trainees for AKV 19.04.2018. year, which will be held immediately prior to the meeting of the Committee of Law Trainees, the premises AKV.

The agenda of the session:

  1. Statement expiry of the mandate of members of the Executive Board to the position of president, the deputy and the Secretary of the Executive Board,
  2. Statement submitted resignations current three members of the Executive Board of Law Trainees (Razlog ostavki – inability to continue to perform the duties on the ground preparing for the bar exam),
  3. Miscellaneous.

Chairman of the Executive Board,
Board of Law Trainees AKV,
adv. trainee Alexander Budovalčev.