Deadline to 30.06.2018. year
Registration is done via e-mail address of the Academy of the Bar Association of Vojvodina: akv.akademija@gmail.comprovided that the identification number of the lawyer / trainee legitimacy.
In Novi Sad, 01.06.2018. year
Basic aims of online presence of the BAV are its public presentation and improvement of mutually cooperation and exchange of informations among members of the BAV
The Bar Association of Vojvodina announces the organization and calls for the application of COURSE: ENGLISH FOR LAWYERS
Deadline to 30.06.2018. year
Registration is done via e-mail address of the Academy of the Bar Association of Vojvodina: akv.akademija@gmail.comprovided that the identification number of the lawyer / trainee legitimacy.
In Novi Sad, 01.06.2018. year