
Call for training law trainees for the bar exam

Based on the article 137. and member 138. item 1. Statute of the Bar Association, Academy of the Bar Association (The Academy) published

CALL FOR ENTRY TO TRAINING law trainees for the bar

The plan of activities of the Academy of 2018. year the seminar training for the bar exam law trainees registered in the Register of Law Trainees of the Bar Association of Vojvodina.

Lectures and exercises will keep lecturers of the Academy according to the program established by the Law on the Bar Exam and program policies bar exam, and according to a schedule that is determined hrs larger Academy lecturers.

The deadline for registration of candidates is 01. april 2018. year, and training begins starting from 20. April 2018. and lasts until 26. May 2018. year.

Candidates applying through contact form on the web page The Bar Association, provided that the number of legitimacy law trainee.

The training will be held if there are at least 15 students.

Registration will be possible to complete the group of the most 20 students.

Applications will be accepted, and also accept, the order in which they received, and to the above maximum number of participants.

Academy of the Bar Association
12. 03. 2018. year