A. REQUIREMENTS for registration in Law Trainees submitted to, in writing, The Board of Directors of the Bar Association of Vojvodina. requirements must contain consent lawyer in which candidate will carry out a legal practice trainee exercise, stocked with seal and signature of a lawyer. On the request for entry in the register of law trainees will be charged an administrative fee in the amount of 250,00 dinars to be paid on current account of the republic stamp, number: 840-742221843-57. (reference number is the code of the municipality in which the payment is made; eg. in Novi Sad 11-223).
B. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRY INTO law trainees shall be submitted the following documents:
- A copy of the birth certificate
- Proof of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia
- Lekarsko uverenje o zdravstvenoj sposobnosti
- The certificate of the Center for Social Work that the candidate is not incapacitated
- Court certificate that the applicant is not a criminal procedure
- Diploma of completed Law School or certificate of graduation (is displayed in the original, accompanied unauthorized copies or be attached to the certified copy);
- A copy of the identity card (original for inspection)
- An employment contract with a lawyer (having at least 3 The lawyer’s practice) who is likely to carry out the exercise
- The statement that no other candidate registered self-employed status or statutory representative or director of the legal entity, President of the Board in winning legal entity, member or the President of the executive board, Representatives of state capital, procurator and person employment contract has established a ban on competition;
- The statement that the candidate has passed the bar exam or work experience that gives him the right to take the bar exam;
- Proof that the applicant is unemployed (a certificate of the National Employment not older than 30 dana) or a decision on termination of employment (if the applicant is employed when applying)
- biography
- two photos (format 4 x 5,5) – Men in a suit and tie, ladies covered shoulders * certificates listed below 3, 4 i 5 must not be older than 6 months
V. Upon receipt of the request with the attached documentation, administration of the Bar Association shall obtain through official report of the Ministry of Interior on whether the applicant goes through criminal records.
G. The Management Board of the Bar Association of Vojvodina at its meeting considered only requirements that are timely and complete (requirements that are missing any of the above documents, will not be considered). Requests shall be made no later than the 15th of the month.
D. Decision on entry in the Register of Law Trainees passed by the Board of the Bar Association of Vojvodina.
Following the decision of the Board of Registration in the Register of Law Trainees applicant lays oath.
The candidate / candidates Oath must be trained in accordance with the rules and recommendations of clothing AK Vojvodina. (“Candidates for Attorneys and Law Trainees can access the oath if you have a suit, shirt and tie, or a combination of pants, shirting, sakoa kravate. The shirt should not be over trousers and tie must be neatly tied in a knot. The color and design of clothing must be adequate; should not have been conspicuous or intensive. Shoes must be elegant, dark. Boots are not permitted any depth. Candidates for registration in the Register of Attorneys and Law Trainees can access the oath if you have a skirt or dress (no shorter than the top edge of the knee) or trousers with appropriate clothes – shirt, blouse or jacket female. Jewelry may not be eye-catching colors and sizes, or in an amount that exceeds the exemplary. Makeup should be appropriate. The color and design of clothing must be adequate; should not have been conspicuous or intensive. Shoes must be elegant, shallow, flat or with heels, closed toe. They are not allowed any depth boots or shoes with platform. Oath will be postponed for a candidate or a candidate who on oath approaches dressed contrary Rules 3, 10. i 11. or if the oath approaches in jeans clothing, sports or other neprimerenoj dress or jacket / coat / coat. “)